Artwork Title: Starry Night

Starry Night, 1850-1865

Jean-Francois Millet

Artwork Title: Starry NightArtwork Title: Starry Night
ean-François Millet may have painted this work shortly after he moved to Barbizon, an artists’ colony south of Paris, in 1849. Retouched by the artist some 15 years later, Starry Night is one of Millet’s most dramatic experiments in nocturnal landscape. The composition and evocative light effects bring to mind Vincent van Gogh’s famous painting of the same title (Museum of Modern Art, New York). Van Gogh may have been influenced by this painting, which he could have seen in Paris between 1873 and 1875; his admiration of Millet’s work is well known. (
Uploaded on Oct 29, 2016 by Suzan Hamer

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