Artwork Title: The Cocktail Party

The Cocktail Party, 1956

John Koch

Artwork Title: The Cocktail PartyArtwork Title: The Cocktail Party
"Leo Lerman (gay author and editor) is in the foreground in profile (with dark beard) conversing with pianist Ania Dorfmann. The other guests, left to right, are artist Roger Baker, artist and critic Maurice Grosser, the Dr. Leonard Smileys, the painter John Koch (mixing drinks), Mrs. Edgar Feder, an unidentified woman, composer Virgil Thomson (gay composer), music critic Noel Straus, Dora Koch (standing), an unknown seated woman, artist Felicia Meyer Marsh, artist Aaron Shikler, art dealer Roy Davis, butler Leroy Lowry, artist Raphael Soyer, and biographer Frances Winwar.",0 See chart at
Uploaded on Jun 5, 2016 by Suzan Hamer

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