Book Cliffs, Colorado, 2012

Luc Busquin

Before becoming a pilot, he started photographing from above by attaching a camera to a remote-controlled airplane. In his series Atop the Troposphere, he unites these passions to create a unique vision of the world above us, its relationship to the land below and its inhabitants. This series of high altitude aerial photographs from the upper boundary of the troposphere, around 35,000 feet high, offers a perspective of our modern world... From that ideal height, the beauty of the natural world and the accomplishments of our civilization combine to form mesmerizing scenes. ... clearly visible from high above ... is the enormous impact humanity has had on its environment through large scale alterations of the land. It is not the case any longer that we live on isolated islands of civilization; we live in an interconnected network of infrastructures sprawled across continents. As human population relentlessly grows, only the most arid and... []
Uploaded on Mar 20, 2018 by Suzan Hamer


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