Artwork Title: Les Perruches (The Parakeets) (Self Portrait)

Les Perruches (The Parakeets) (Self Portrait), 2012

Stephen O'Donnell

Artwork Title: Les Perruches (The Parakeets) (Self Portrait)Artwork Title: Les Perruches (The Parakeets) (Self Portrait)
"I wanted to find some way to take 17th century Dutch genre painting - specifically the figure in an interior - and meld it with a late 18th century French aesthetic.... I decided to go with a plain neckline - certainly not incorrect - which also has the benefit of showing a bit of chest hair; I'd never want to entirely hide the fact that there's a man in that dress." Also then a self portrait. More about the painting at
Uploaded on Aug 31, 2015 by Suzan Hamer

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