Artwork Title: La Légèreté délicieuse de la grandeur

La Légèreté délicieuse de la grandeur, 2012

Stephen O'Donnell

Artwork Title: La Légèreté délicieuse de la grandeurArtwork Title: La Légèreté délicieuse de la grandeurArtwork Title: La Légèreté délicieuse de la grandeur
I love historical jewelry - I'm a painter - I love to paint jewelry. The very qualities that make precious stones fascinating to look at - reflection, refraction, translucence, shine, etc. - make them fun to paint as well. Another thing that makes the process fun for me is that I get to design the jewelry that I include in my work. The settings of my paintings span quite a long timeline - the 1500s through to the 1950s - so I've had plenty of opportunity to design pieces that are appropriate to a great variety of time periods. My pedantic heart loves the research this requires, and feels a good bit of pride that I "get things right." Sorry to say that none of these objects actually exist. Nowhere other than in my grandiose imagination, that is. (
24 x 18 in
Uploaded on Jul 23, 2017 by Suzan Hamer

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