View Of The Asylum And Chapel Of Saint-rémy, 1889

Vincent van Gogh

Vue de l’asile et de la Chapelle de Saint-Rémy, painted in Saint-Rémy, Autumn 1889. Sold for £10,121,250 on 7 Feb. 2012 at Christie’s in London. For the first month of his stay at Saint-Paul-de-Mausole, Van Gogh was kept under close observation, restricted to the inner grounds. ‘Through the iron-barred window I can make out a square of wheat in an enclosure,’ he wrote to his brother, ‘above which in the morning I see the sun rise in its glory.’ While the other patients typically spent their days in idleness, Van Gogh began working the day after his arrival. ‘I’ve been here almost a whole month, not one single time have I had the slightest desire to be elsewhere; just the will to work is becoming a tiny bit firmer,’ he wrote to Theo on 31 May 1889. ‘What a beautiful land and what beautiful blue and what a sun! And yet I’ve only seen the garden and what I can make out through the window... (
18 x 24 in
Uploaded on Sep 28, 2013 by Zach C


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