Stained glass windows in the Marriage Chamber in what used to be the Town Hall and is now The Grand Hotel in Amsterdam. Lebeau designed the walls, the ceiling and the stained glass windows of the room. A wedding is taking place on the stained glass windows, quite respectably in contemporary attire. The procession of guests coming to give the bridal couple their gifts was inspired by a wedding ceremony Chris Lebeau once attended at the court of the Sultan of Yogyakarta. As we 'read' on, we come to the southern wall, where family life, maternal care and paternal admonitions set the tone. Was this the work of an anarchist, a long-haired bohemian with an unkempt beard and bare feet in sandals? Yes, but he was an anarchist imbued with the ethos of the late nineteenth-century Arts and Crafts movement. Yet the First-Class Marriage Chamber is more than the final chord of that grand symphony. What with the equal roles so automatically attributed to man and woman, the latest fashion in clothes with the stylish ladies' pumps and the way the nudes are depicted, it was modern in its own day. It seems as if the free spirit of the artist was not satisfied with the conventional conception of form and contents and tried here and there to shed the cloak of conventionality. (
Uploaded on Aug 29, 2016 by Suzan Hamer


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