Artwork Title: No freedom without the freedom of the press, poster designed for Reporters Without Borders

No freedom without the freedom of the press, poster designed for Reporters Without Borders, 1962

Tomi Ungerer

Artwork Title: No freedom without the freedom of the press, poster designed for Reporters Without BordersArtwork Title: No freedom without the freedom of the press, poster designed for Reporters Without Borders
Ungerer tweeted this image the day after the Charli Hebdo murders in Paris. 'I feel like they killed me.' Everyone who cares about freedom of expression will be disgusted by yesterday's fatal shootings at the Parisian satirical magazine, Charlie Hebdo. Yet for the French-born artist, activist and illustrator Tomi Ungerer, the assault is especially painful. “I feel personally assassinated. I feel murdered in unison with them.” Ungerer, who can recall German troops occupying his home town in 1940, sees parallels between 20th century European fascism and yesterday's attacks.... ( [This poster] fuses the artist’s fascination with forcible restraint and his concern for free speech in the image of an apparently naked man, blindfolded, bound, and gagged with a reporter’s notebook. (
Uploaded on Apr 22, 2017 by Suzan Hamer

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