Artwork Title: F13

F13, 1939-1943

Wacław Szpakowski

Trained as an architectural engineer, Szpakowski worked for the Polish ministry of mail and telegraphs and as a building inspector. Beginning in the early 1920s, he spent his spare time on a long series of precise line drawings in ink on tracing paper. Szpakowski traced all his lines by hand, always making them one millimeter thick and setting them 4mm apart, to produce carefully calculated optical effects. He wrote of these rhythmic lines as expressing the underlying mathematical order of the universe, and divided his drawings into series according to the type of order he thought they expressed. Szpakowski worked in isolation and in complete indifference to the art of his time. His works were not exhibited until the 1960s and he never tried to publicize them, although he deeply believed in their importance. [] Great article about him at
Uploaded on Dec 13, 2017 by Suzan Hamer

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